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3-Day Full Body Workout

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What is a 3-Day Full Body Workout?

A 3-day full body workout is a great way to get in shape and achieve your fitness goals. This type of workout helps you add mass to all major muscle groups in your body over the course of three consecutive days.

This style of training can be a great way to start your fitness journey or to add some variety to your current gym workout routine.

If you’re looking for a challenging and effective full body workout to test your strength and endurance, give this workout split a try!

The Best Science-Based 3-day Full Body Workout Plan

The Number of Sets per Muscle Group but You Should Adhere to These General Guidelines

When it comes to the number of sets per muscle group, there isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of sets you do will depend on your individual fitness level and goals.

However, as a general guideline, you should aim to do 3-4 sets for each muscle group. This will be enough to challenge your muscles and produce results without spending long hours in a local gym and overstressing your body.

If you’re just starting out, or are trying to build muscle mass, you may want to do 4-5 sets per muscle group. On the other hand, if you’re more experienced or want to shed some extra pounds, 3 sets may be all you need. Whatever your goal, make sure to focus on quality over quantity. Take your time and really challenge each muscle group with the weight you’re using. Remember, splits are key ingredients here! This will give you better results in the long run. 

Length of Each Session in a 3-Day Split Workout

When it comes to the length of each session in a 3 day full body workout split, you’ll want to keep things short and sweet. This type of training is intense, that’s why it’s very effective in terms of weight loss. That being said, wearing yourself out too much might be fraught with discouragement and reluctance to continue your training. This means you should figure out where your personal stopping point is. 

Ideally, each session should last around 45-60 minutes. This will give you enough time to work all of the major muscle groups without overdoing them.

If you’re new to this type of training or are struggling to fit everything in within 60 minutes, try breaking your workout down into two sessions per day. This will allow you to focus on each muscle group more thoroughly and get better results after each exercise.

No matter what tools and strategies you employ to build your own workout routine, make sure to focus on quality over quantity. Take your time, use the right weight, and challenge yourself with each set. This will give you better results in the long run.

What to Do If You Miss a Day in a 3-Day Split Workout?

If you happen to miss a day in your 3-day split workout, don’t worry! It’s not the end of the world. Just make sure to catch up on the missed muscle groups as soon as possible.

If you only have time for one full-body workout session per week, try to do it on the day you missed your workout. This will help you stay on track and avoid any setbacks.

Struggling to fit everything in? Consider arranging for two shorter sessions per day instead of having one long gym session. This will allow you to focus on each muscle group more thoroughly and get more satisfying results.

No matter what, just make sure to catch up on the missed muscle groups as soon as possible. This will help you stay on track and achieve your fitness goals.

Warm-Up Before a Full-Body Workout

Exercise wisely! Before you start any full-body workout, it’s important to warm up properly. This will help prepare your body for the intense workout ahead and reduce the risk of injury.

A good warm-up should include some light cardio and stretching exercises. Try to do at least 10 minutes of cardio to get your heart rate up, and then spend 5-10 minutes stretching all of the major muscle groups. This will help loosen them up and reduce the risk of strains or tears when you exercise, especially if you’re not supervised by an experienced trainer in a gym. 

Once you’re done warming up, you’re ready to start your full-body workout! Make sure to challenge yourself with each set and focus on quality over quantity. This will help you see better results in the long run.

3-Day Full-Body Workout Routine for Beginners

For beginners, we recommend following this 3-day full body workout routine described below. It will help you get started on the right track and see results quickly.

Full Body Workout 1

  1. Traditional squats – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  2. Bench press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  3. Rows – 3 sets of 8-10 reps

 Full Body Workout 2

  1.  Deadlifts – 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  2.  Pull-ups or lat pull-downs – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  3.  Dumbbell shoulder press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps

This routine should be performed 3 times per week in a gym, with at least one day of rest in between sessions. Make sure to focus on quality over quantity, and take your time with each set. This will give you better results in the long run.

3-Day Full-Body Workout Routine Intermediate

If you’re more experienced, try following this 3-day full body workout routine. It will help you push yourself harder and see better results.

Full Body Workout 1

  1. Chest press – 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  2. Straight-arm Lat pulldown – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  3. Squat exercises – 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  4. Leg curl – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  5. Dumbbell shoulder press – 2 sets of 5-8 reps
  6. Inclined curl – 2 sets of 10-15 reps
  7. Triceps press down – 2 sets of 10-15 reps

Full Body Workout 2

  1. Incline dumbbell bench press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  2. Seated face pull – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  3. Leg press – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  4. Romanian deadlift – 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  5. Lateral raise – 2 sets of 15-20 reps
  6. Dumbbell hammer curls – 2 sets of 10-15 reps
  7. Dumbbell triceps extension – 2 sets of 10-15 reps

Full Body Workout 3

  1. Cable cross-over – 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  2. Dumbbell row – 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  3. Leg extension – 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  4. Leg curl – 3 sets of 15-20 reps
  5. Bent-over lateral dumbbell raises – 2 sets of 10-15 reps
  6. Preacher biceps curls – 2 sets of 10-15 reps
  7. French extensions – 2 sets of 10-15 reps

This routine should be performed three days per week in your gym or at home, with at least one day of rest in between sessions. Make sure to focus on quality over quantity, and take your time with each set. And make each exercise part of your regular exercise routine. 

3-Day Full-Body Workout Routine for Mass

If you’re trying to build muscle mass, try following this 3-day full body workout routine. It will help you push your body harder and see results quickly.

Full Body Workout 1 – Push

  1. Goblet squat – 4 sets of 5 reps
  2. Floor press – 4 sets of 5 reps
  3. Leg press – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  4. Landmine overhead press – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  5. Leg extension – 3 sets of 12 reps
  6. Pallof press – 3 sets of 12 reps

Full Body Workout 2 – Pull

  1. Pull-ups – 3 sets of 5 reps
  2. Rack pull – 3 sets of 5 reps
  3. Hip thrusts – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  4. Lat pulldown – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  5. Lying hamstring curls – 3 sets of 12 reps
  6. Cable rotations – 3 sets of 12 reps

Full Body Workout 3 – Superset

  1. Hack squat – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  2. Kettlebell deadlift – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  3. Dumbbell incline press – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  4. Bent-over row – 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  5. Single-arm kneeling dumbbell press – 3 sets of 12 reps
  6. Single-arm row – 3 sets of 8-12 reps

This routine should be performed three times per week, with at least one day of rest in between sessions. Make sure to focus on quality over quantity, and take your time with each set. This will give you better results in the long run.

3-Day Full-Body Workout for Weight Loss

Looking for a 3 day full body workout for weight loss specifically? Not a problem! If you’re trying to lose weight, follow this 3-day full body workout routine. It will help you burn more calories and see results faster.

Full Body Workout 1

  1. Dumbbell power clean – 3 sets of 5 reps 
  2. Barbell deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps
  3. Pull up – 5 sets of 8 reps
  4. Romanian Deadlift dumbbell shrugs – 3 sets of 12 reps
  5. Kneeling push up – 3 sets of 20 reps
  6. Hanging leg raise – 3 sets of 10 reps
  7. Rows – 2 sets for 1000M

Full Body Workout 2

  1. Running Sprint – 5 sets of top speed for 8-10 seconds
  2. Barbell back squat – 8 sets of 3 reps
  3. Barbell hip thrust – 4 sets of 12 reps
  4. Dumbbell bench press – 4 sets of 10 reps
  5. Barbell bench press – 4 sets of 8 reps
  6. Kneeling push up – 4 sets of 8 reps
  7. Ab wheel rollouts – 3 sets of 12 reps
  8. Loaded carry – 2 sets of the farthest possible distance

Full Body Workout 3

  1. Bench Jump – 5 sets of 5 reps
  2. Overhead dumbbell press – 4 sets of 8 reps
  3. Face pull – 4 sets of 12 reps
  4. Dumbbell shrug – 4 sets of 20 reps
  5. Dumbbell lunge – 4 sets of 8 reps on each side
  6. Seated leg curl – 4 sets of 20 reps
  7. Cable woodchop – 3 sets of 8 reps on each side
  8. Kneeling push up – 100 reps

This routine should be performed three times per week, with at least one day of rest in between sessions. Make sure to focus on quality over quantity, and take your time with each set. This will boost the efficacy of your training sessions. 

The Benefits of a 3-Day Workout Split

A 3 day split workout has a number of benefits, including:

  • ncreased muscle definition
  • increased muscle mass
  • reduced body fat
  • better overall fitness level

A 3-day workout split can go a long way towards helping you achieve these and other results that most popular exercises cannot guarantee. Try it out and see for yourself how much better you feel!

How Should Eating Habits Be on a 3-Day Full-Body Workout Routine?

When following a 3-day split workout routine, it’s important to have healthy eating habits. This will help your body recover properly and see better results. Make sure to eat plenty of protein and vegetables, and avoid processed foods and sugary snacks. By eating healthy, you’ll be able to push your body harder during your workouts and see better results.

Useful tip! Don’t aim to hammer all muscle groups when you exercise. It’s a good rule of thumb to focus on one group per session and split the rest of your training session into moves that target a couple of smaller muscle groups.

What About Cardio?

When following a 3 day split workout, it’s important to remember that cardio is still important. Make sure to include some form of cardio in your routine. The most popular and accessible types of cardio include jogging, biking, andswimming. This will help you burn more calories and keep fit.

A 3-day full body workout split is a great way to improve your muscle definition, increase muscle mass, and reduce body fat. It’s also a great way to improve your overall fitness level. Make sure to have healthy eating habits, and include some form of cardio in your routine.

Bonus Tip: How does a 3 day split workout match up to a 4-day or 5-day split? Better or worse? Why?

A 3 day full body split is not as effective as a 4-day or 5-day split when it comes to building muscle mass. A 4-day or 5-day split allows you to work out more often, which leads to better results. However, a 3 day split workout is still a great way to improve your fitness level by making all muscle groups work.

Bottom Line

A 3 day split workout routine is a great way to improve your muscle definition, increase muscle mass, and reduce body fat. Make sure to have healthy eating habits, and include some form of cardio in your routine. By following this routine, you’ll see better results in a shorter amount of time. Keep on training for long-lasting results!


💪Is a 3 day full body workout effective❓

💪A three-day full-body workout is an effective way to work all muscle groups without having to spend the whole week in the gym.

💪Is 3 days a week workout enough❓

💪Experts recommend exercising at least three times a week to maintain good health. Many people choose to exercise more than the minimum recommended number of days, but busy people shouldn't feel guilty about only exercising three days a week.

💪Is full body better than split❓

💪When done right, split workouts result in less overall fatigue as the focus is on only one or two body parts. Full body exercises burn more calories and tire your body faster, which can compromise your strength training.

Eva Patton

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