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Endomorph Meal Plan

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Are you the one who gained all the excess fat tissue genetically, and nothing can be done with it? Fat storage seems to be insurmountable to fight? Well, we have some good news for you. First and foremost, you’re probably a lucky owner of the endomorph body type, which means that you tend to gain weight easier than others (thank you, genetics). However, it’s not the end of the world – with a properly chosen endomorph diet and workout, you’ll no longer have the reasons to complain. Keep reading our article to define what types of diet help you lose weight, what exercises are the best for endomorphs, and what types of food are the best for your menu. 

How the Body Type Diet Works and How to Know if You’re an Endomorph

 Before getting into the whole dieting thing, we need to define your body type. People tend to classify them as “genetically thin”, “big-bone-guy”, “aging-takes-its-toll”, “beer-belly” type, etc. However, there’s a more scientific approach to determining your shape.

 An American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon developed 3 categories of human physique according to 3 types of germ layers of embryo development:

  • endoderm – forms the digestive tract,
  • mesoderm – develops muscles, heart, and blood vessels,
  • ectoderm – responsible for skin and nervous system.

 Each category can also be called a somatotype, meaning that a person’s biological and physical features are closely related to the behavior. While being a highly-disputed theory, physical categories and sub-categories proved their validity.

 Obviously, we can’t divide all the people into 3 categories only. It’s just a tool that helps you understand your physical predisposition genetic-wise. However, your lifestyle, eating habits, level of fitness, work and family environment have a significant influence. Naturally, you are given a particular physique, with fat-to-muscle ratio and stature, which differs from your friend. That’s why avoid using your friend’s program, as you require different types of workout and nutrition – only an individual approach.

 The three main body types are mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. Let’s take a closer look.


Ectomorph body type

People with this body type have a slight build and fast metabolisms. They have a low percentage of body fat and little muscle, a smaller figure. Ectomorphs typically find it harder than the other body types to gain bodyweight or build muscle mass. They belong to the category of people who eat everything, having nothing in excess afterward. This type is an ideal marathon runner.

Mesomorph body type

An intermediate type with a medium frame and a bigger bone structure compared to ectomorphs. They have a considerable amount of lean body mass, being genetically predisposed to an athletic body type. Mesomorphs’ body is physically inclined to easy muscle gain and naturally maintain lower body fat.

Endomorph body type

People with a higher body fat ratio have a larger bone structure and are curvier. Endomorphs tend to gain weight more as they have a slower metabolism than a mesomorph type, and their body faster stores energy as body fat. However, endomorphs also have a benefit – muscle gain is relatively easy for them (compared to ectomorphs especially). Endomorph athletes can improve their physique and athletic performance with the proper workout plan and nutritional approach.

 As already mentioned, these three categories can just define what you were born with. However, age, lifestyle, pregnancy, diseases, and other factors influence greatly as well.

 Which Popular Diets May Work Best for Endomorphs

 Before starting any diet, have a check-up with your doctor to prevent any type of risks to your health.

Typically any person who eats just enough to cover the energy needs and leads a moderately active life doesn’t have any weight problems. However, if you make refined carbs your central part of the menu and burn fewer calories compared to the ones consumed, you’ll face obesity one day. 

 Some people think that the endomorph body type is naturally fat, and so diets can’t help. Well, that’s a big mistake. The only tried and trusted method to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Provided that you do it, you will lose weight no matter what type of body you have.

 A perfect diet for endomorph doesn’t exist. As long as they tend to hold on to more excess fat, everything gets down to healthy nutrition and exercising. The diet must cover your energy and balanced macros needs. The best diet is your habit and lifestyle, the one to stick to in the long-term perspective.

 Considering endomorph’s features, it’s a good idea to add lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs to your menu. Refined carbs should be limited as much as possible. Such an approach is shared by ketogenic and Mediterranean diets and a paleo diet.

 Benefits of the endomorph diet:

 Endomorphs are likely to have a genetic component for being a bit heavier; thus, they are more susceptible to heart diseases and diabetes. If excess fat is mainly located on your hips, thighs, and butt, you may have fewer risks for metabolic disease. Midsection (belly) fat may be more dangerous in terms of heart disease and stroke. [1], according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

 Following a nutrition plan for an endomorph may help you adopt healthy eating patterns and create new habits. Exercising will improve the tonality of your muscles and help you lose visceral body fat responsible for your health risks.

 Risks of the endomorph diet:

 The biggest risks and so-called side effects you will face are related to your emotional state and motivation.

If you have been following the “I-eat-whatever-I-want” diet for years, a new eating style may seem a lost battle from the beginning. The two biggest challenges are – cutting down on refined and simple carbs and balancing the calorie intake.

First comes the craving for carbs, put it simply – sugar. You desperately need a piece of something sweet because you feel exhausted without it. It looks like an addiction you can’t stop; that’s why you need to show all the dedication you may possibly find inside your mind. It’s not an easy journey.

 Reducing calorie consumption can also be challenging. You need to accept the fact this healthy diet must become nothing else but a habit. Otherwise, your effort will go worthless. The most difficult part of dieting is about maintaining your body weight. If you lose the fight against your old habits, your weight will bounce back to its starting point.

 Meal Plan For Endomorphs

The endomorph diet plan should incorporate foods that are high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs:

  • Proteins: beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, salmon;
  • Dairy products: yogurt, milk, cottage cheese;
  • Fruits: like berries, melons, etc.;
  • Vegetables: leafy greens, asparagus, celery;
  • Grains: complex carbohydrates like brown rice, legumes, quinoa; starchy vegetables – sweet potatoes, sweetcorn, beetroot, pies.
  • Fats: healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds 

 Endomorph Weight Loss Meal Plan

Any weight loss plan means creating a calorie deficit and covering your physical, not emotional needs.

 About Carbohydrates

 Carbohydrates come in two types – simple and complex. Our body processes carbohydrates slower and faster. Complex carbs are slow to digest; thus, they release energy slowly, maintaining your satiety for a longer time. Complex carbs are whole grains, pasta, peas, beans, and vegetables.

Recommended reading — no carbs diet plan for 2 weeks.

Simple and refined carbs are easily and quickly digested, giving you an immediate rise in blood glucose levels. Refined carbs like snack bars, white bread, cookies, sweets, and sugary crunches – very tasty, but when consumed in excess, may lead to weight gain, especially visceral body fat – the ingredients are packed with trans fats and added sugar and salt.

It’s worth mentioning that simple carbs shouldn’t be demonized, as they are not the main reason for your weight problems. Lack of activity is what really matters. For instance: you are having a movie night. With the first several scoops of ice cream you are given a lot of energy and what do you do with it? Keep watching a movie. Then you feel a need for something else, and here comes popcorn – a boost of energy again…and what do you do? Keep sitting. After the movie you need to eat something, as it’s time for a healthy bite – more energy comes and…what do you do? Keep sitting and checking Instagram photos or videos.  In several hours you may consume lots of calories that are not burned with physical activities.

The main advantage of complex (slow) carbohydrate consumption is the feeling of satiety, no roller-coasters with hunger.

 A Recommended Distribution Of Macros For Endomorphs

 Endomorph body type diet must use these approximate macros:

  • 40 percent protein intake
  • 25 percent carbohydrate intake
  • 35 percent fat intake

 Simply saying, more fats and protein, fewer carbs. Opt for protein powder or essential amino acids if you need to eat during exercise. For carbs intake, focus on whole grains and minimally-processed food. Aiming for about a 4:1 veggie-to-fruit ratio (4 vegetables for every 1 fruit.)

 Endomorph food list can be presented with the hand-portion system:

  •  1-2 palms of protein foods at each meal
  • 1-2 fists of vegetables for each meal
  • 1-2 handfuls of carbs for each meal
  • 3-4 thumbs of fats for each meal

 Eat slowly

You need to become more aware of what you eat, how much you eat, and why. Instead of rushing and eating everything in 5 minutes, checking your email in the meantime, go slow, and feel the taste and texture of food. It may be and will be a challenge at the beginning, but as with every habit, it requires time to master. The faster you eat, the more food you consume, along with extra calories. Your brain will not even count it. So, after an hour, you may feel a falsy hunger again. 

 Eat until you’re satisfied – but not stuffed. 

You eat to live, not vice versa, and this rule is not only about an endomorph diet. When you are full – you are full, don’t let your emotional hunger take the lead. Endomorphs have a propensity to store fat. That’s why everything beyond the limits will widen your hips, belly, and butt. Remember, you should be eating to match your energy needs, not to satisfy stress or emotions.

To maintain weight, go for about 90-100 % satiety. To lose weight – 80-90% – a comfortable calorie intake.

 Ways To Use An Endomorph Diet To Accelerate Weight Loss 

Cycle Your Macros 

This type of cycling has nothing to do with sport. Regarding healthy nutrition and an endomorph diet, it means modifying the macros proportion based on your activity. In layman’s terms, carbs and protein intake are higher on training days, while on the rest day – they are lower.

 Macros cycling or calorie shifting is focused on your weekly calorie goal rather than the daily one. While the weekly intake remains the same, your daily menu will be different, giving you more leeway with calories on training day.

 On the training day (at least 30 minutes of vigorous activities), when your body requires more energy, eat more complex carbs and protein and go lower on fats. On rest days, you should consume more protein-rich foods and fats, going lower on carbs. This works perfectly to avoid a routine with the same food in the endomorph diet and provide enough energy for workouts.

 Filling Up On Greens

According to the research, menu plans rich in vegetables are highly beneficial for our bodies – they help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower the risk of digestive problems, and help keep appetite under control [2]. Eating non-starchy vegetables may even promote weight loss as they have a low glycemic index, which doesn’t provoke blood sugar spikes that lead to hunger. Besides, the same volume of vegetables brings fewer calories compared to a bowl of potatoes, for example.

You will get a mix of nutrients and minerals by choosing a higher number and variety of veggies. Besides being beneficial for health, vegetables help create a greater diversity of eye-appealing meals.

 Eat More Protein

Protein is a constituent particle of our muscle, bone, skin, hair, and every other body part or tissue; it is made from more than 20 basic building blocks called amino acids. 

Protein is a crucial part of any diet. The average person needs about 7 grams of protein every day for every 20 pounds of body weight. Those who can’t reach these numbers with food can use the supplements.

If you go short on the protein intake, you’ll notice how your hair gets brittle, nails become more and more peeling, and skin loses its turgor. Not to mention the loss of muscle mass and gaining fat tissue instead.

Some people naively think that the most important thing is to fit into the daily caloric limits. However, it’s essential to balance the food on your plate; otherwise, your immune system will put the brakes on all your efforts.

 Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

 Your immune system activates when your body recognizes anything foreign – such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical – and starts an inflammation process [3]. Typically you’ll help it using special medication. However, the grocery store is one of the most powerful tools to fight inflammation (preventional and supportive role).

 Anti-inflammatory foods should include oils, green leafy vegetables, fresh nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts), fatty fish, and fruits.

This type of food is high in natural antioxidants and polyphenols—protective compounds for your health.

 Exercises For Endomorphs

 As long as the endomorphs tend to gain weight easier, they need to make exercising a part of their weekly routine. It helps increase metabolism and reduce fat. Fitness goals work like supplements to a diet for an endomorph.

 Cardio exercises (running, brisk walking, cycling) can burn calories and help create a calorie deficit – consuming less and potentially burning more calories.

 It is important that people with endomorph body types follow exercise routines that focus on both cardio and strength training activities [4], keeping to a balanced diet.

 If you struggle to find time for exercise, go for an effective high-intensity interval training (HIIT): a person alternates periods of high-intensity and low-intensity exercise or rest. People with endomorphic bodies can try doing HIIT sessions two or three times per week for a maximum of 30 minutes per session.

 The Bottom Line 

 You are born with a body type, and it defines your initial shape and muscle to fat percentage. However, the combination of your lifestyle, diet, and regular physical activity has more value. If you follow a healthy diet, or rather, make it a part of your routine, and give your muscles enough vigorous work at least 2-3 times a week, you will not have to complain about extras in your belly or hips.

Limit the number of simple carbohydrates in the form of sweets and snacks. These things are called “food”; however, their ingredients contain too many artificial things.

Instead of spending an after-work evening in front of the screen and catching up on food, you had no time to eat, anf news – go for a walk, go to the gym, or dedicate some time to activities. You’ll see how the level of your stress, as well as weight, decreases.

 Your genetics only gives you a predisposition for your body type. However, the only person who decides on it is YOU. The road is taken by walking. Walk towards your goals and ideal shape.


What should an endomorph eat to lose weight?

The diet should consist of high-protein foods, complex carbs, and healthy fats based on your body type. This is how to keep the balance of macronutrients and provide you with enough energy.  Losing weight is possible if you create a caloric deficit - consume less than your spend.

How do Endomorphs lose weight fast?

Adults who lose weight fast probably lose water without burning fat. If you need to have a steady and sustainable result, you need regular physical exercises and a balanced diet and nutrition.

What should an endomorph eat for breakfast?

Breakfast starts your day, so it should contain high-protein foods (eggs, dairies), complex carbs (oatmeal with nuts or dried fruit), and healthy fats (nuts). It will charge you for a productive start to a working day, and you'll have less snacking.

Is fasting good for Endomorphs?

Fasting may seem like a great idea for quick weight loss. However, it will put your body under stress, which, when you return to your regular diet and nutrition, will take its toll by way of extra kilos.  

Is keto good for Endomorphs?

The keto diet may be a suitable variant for endomorphs. It is an extremely low - carb diet and high-fat nutrition plan. It may help your body burn extra fat for fuel and decrease insulin sensitivity. However, it's a temporary option. Your health requires a balanced diet and nutrition approach along with regular fitness.


  1. What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

  2. Vegetables and Fruits
  3. Why and How To Start an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  4. How to Eat & Workout for an Endomorph Body Type

Annette Nelson

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